Thursday 3 May 2012

Collage and Body Language!

I've been looking at ways to experiment with images and tried stitching the sewing machines. I used photographs I'd taken which focus on people's facial expressions, so I thought stitch would be a really interesting way to explore those shapes. I blew the photographs up to A3 on the photocopier, then layered a variety of grounds on the back to give it a more interesting look. I stitched over the lines on the photograph so that the white thread would create the shape on the other side. I did this intentionally to the black paper image, however when I did it to the brown paper image, I meant to use black thread, but the light thread actually looked quite interesting, as more focus was put on the puncture holes from the needle, which created a new shape in itself.

Once completed I cut out some type then added it to the first image, I'm quite happy with how it turned out as it seemed to compliment the image quite nicely, the composition was very well balanced as well. I used "you what?!" for the type as it seemed to voice the emotions evident on the character's face. 

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