Wednesday 9 May 2012

Design Ideas

 Over the last few weeks I've decided to focus on body language and it's relationship to how we interpret messages, I'd drawn some thumbnails of possible ideas that I could develop into final outcomes and then chose the 5 that I preferred most.

I then created further images from the selected thumbnails, mostly in collage, however I really like the look of the stitch outcome, the combination of the bold stick and mixed grounds work well with the composition. Also, I find the gold digger collage quite interesting, I'd selected an image from a magazine of what I thought a gold digger would look like, blew it up to a3 photocopy, then oiled the image in printmaking, this made the whole sheet transparent whilst making the image a lot darker, this in itself turned out quite nicely, but it also provided a nice background to work type on top of. The idea of the gold digger sign being that it's using "caution" as formal and authoritative language, but in a non formal context, this warps the context of the entire image, changing the whole interpretation of the language! 

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