Thursday 10 May 2012

Idea development

This is another one of the thumbnail sketches I'm developing, I've tried taking it further than collage by manipulating it on collage. I'm not 100% sure about the outcome, it seems to having something lacking from the composition, perhaps the lack of texture or depth is what's making the image flat? Either way I'll not include these in my final response it's not what I expected from developing it, although it does summarise the idea of warped context and the rude slogan can be traced back to Barbara Kruger Influence! 

The original composition, with cleaned up text and colour.


The original drawing was on brown paper with black fine liner, then scanned and imported into Photoshop, I liked the colour of the paper in contrast to the black so decided to keep it that colour but edit out some of the imperfections, however it seemed to look too flat as an image, I tried to upload some hand drawn type that I'd done in stick and ink but this didn't seem to break it up either, so I decided that it would be best to stop developing this idea and move on to another.

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