Photography in Fine Art
Today we were expermenting with the combined use of the body and various objects to create sculptures. The idea was to explore the various styles of fine art, that it's not just paint and pencils; also that the use of photography as a media, can be used within a fine art context. The images were taken using a digital compact camera and edited using Photoshop CS5. For most of the photos i adjusted the shadows/highlights using the curves feature to give my images a much colder look; as well as changing the vibrance and saturation to help highlight individual focus points of the photos, e.g the kirtsie's orange gig band in the 4th photo.
I really like the vibrance of the wristband in contrast to the saturation of the rest of the image. |
I chose this image because of the composition of the objects, I like how they fit in with surrounding environments.. and kirstie! |